Wordle website has updated itself to use the nytimes link so you can play todays word again HOWEVER be warned this will kill your streak (RIP me) The SHARE button in green lets you share your latest score. The timer under NEXT WORDLE counts down to when the game will reset to give you a new challenge. The guess distribution chart, like the other elements on the scoreboard, sheds light on your whole gaming history on Wordle and not just the current game. Guess Distribution is a representation of the number of guesses you make to successfully solve each challenge.Max Streak shows the maximum number of games you have won in a row (in an unbroken streak) in the game it doesn’t necessarily be the current streak.Current Streak is not to be confused with Max Streak. It is specific to the present and accounts for all the games won consecutively (without breaks) in the ongoing scenario. Current Streak is the record of the number of games you have been winning in a row.Win % shows the number of games won (W) out of the total number of games played (P) multiplied by 100.Played is a record of the total number of games you have played.The statistics include the total number of games played, Win %, Current Streak, Max Streak, and Guess Distribution. What data does Wordle Statistics provide?Īll the data you glean from Wordle statistics is related to your own progress and streak in the game (as a unit). Can I compare my Wordle score to others?.